
This is an investment account that allows parents to save towards their ward’s education up to the tertiary level for a maximum of 18 years.


  • An initial deposit of GHS20.00.
  • A minimum monthly contribution of GHS5.00.
  • An interest rate of existing savings account rate plus 2%.
  • Standing orders can be set up to facilitate contributions.
  • Can be used as collateral for loans/overdrafts.
  • School fees can be paid on behalf of the customer.


  • Completion of ARB’s Medoba account opening form.
  • Provision of valid national identification by the parent/ guardian of the child (Voters ID, National ID, passport, or Driver’s license).
  • Provision of two passport-size photographs of the parent/ guardian and one passport-size photograph of the child.
  • Provision of childbirth certificate (optional).


  • Wealth accumulation – interest is earned on a deposit.
  • Can be used to secure a facility that gives access to more money without disrupting the investment.
  • Financial security – a secured fund is built to ensure a child’s education even in the case of untimely death.
  • Convenience – standing orders to facilitate easy payment of monthly contributions.

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